Chinese medicine believes that kidney deficiency is the root cause of human disease, many visceral disease treatment, should start from the kidney. The easiest way is to start from the food, the following these foods can eat!
cabbageCabbage is rich in vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, etc., the total vitamin content than tomato 3 times more. Cabbage in a variety of plant chemicals, help to remove free radicals in the body. To receive dialysis kidney disease patients, it is best to eat cold cabbage.
Fish (especially deep-sea fish) is rich in anti-inflammatory Omega 3 fatty acids that help protect the kidneys. Fish is also an important source of high quality protein.
fruit juice
Juice or vegetable juice has the effect of decomposing and removing garbage from the body. Fruit and vegetable juices contain a variety of plant chemicals, help to prevent dialysis patients with renal failure risk. Especially blueberries and other berries are rich in antioxidants, help to improve kidney health.
We choose the best fresh fruit juice, because the inside of the vitamins and cellulose is more fresh, beneficial to the body's absorption.
Red chili
Red pepper in the key component of capsaicin, helps to break the body (especially blood) garbage. Therefore, red pepper is the perfect food for kidney health.
Egg white
Protecting kidneys requires low-protein low-phosphorus diets, but also add enough protein. Eggs contain a variety of healthy proteins and are lower in phosphorus than other sources.
In addition to rich in vitamins, minerals, chlorophyll, β-carotene and other basic nutrients, broccoli is also rich in indole and thiocyanate and other beneficial ingredients, which help to remove toxins in the body, thereby reducing Kidney burden. The simplest way to eat broccoli is boiled with pepper and salt.
Kidney bad people, to pay attention to the daily diet, massage-related points also have a good effect. Here are two simple massage methods.
Kidney method one: press the waist
Two hands on the rubbing to the palm of the hand heat, were placed on the waist, palm to the skin, up and down massage the waist, to the heat so far. Can be done sooner or later, about 200 times each time. This exercise can be kidney gas.
Kidney method two: massage the soles of the feet
Daily before going to bed with warm water foot bath, and then hand rub each other, with the left hand massage the right foot heart, right heart massage left foot heart, each time more than 100 to rub the hot feet is appropriate. This method has the effect of strong kidney Ziyin Reduce Pathogenic Fire, the effect of common hot and humid in the elderly is very good.
If you want to learn more about kidney disease, please click here, Shijiazhuang kidney hospital for you